
For safe arrival and departure, all families should arrive and exit through the main church entrance off the parking lot. Parents are not permitted to use the playground entrance or entrance by the Chapel. This is secured for children's safety.

Time reserved for personal choice activities such as sensory table play, joining friends in the dramatic play area, practicing letters at the writing center or building a structure with blocks. Teachers guide children so they gain many experiences.

Each class comes together for book reading, science projects, math games, singing songs or sharing news.

Jobs help develop a sense of community and responsibility. Everyone in the class has a job, from putting away supplies to serving snack.

Snacks are furnished for each classroom by parents. In addition, parents are asked to provide five-ounce paper cups and napkins since dishes cannot be washed at school. Each teacher will arrange the snack schedule. Information with suggestions for nutritional snacks is given to each family at the beginning of the school year. Please do not bring snacks that contain nuts as we are a NUT FREE school.

HPCUMC Preschool has an enclosed outdoor playground. For cold or rainy weather days, children play indoors in one of our two muscle-room spaces on equipment designed to encourage large motor skill growth.

Each class comes together for group time and prepares for dismissal. At session's end, parents are asked to pick children up at the classroom door. Arrival and departure will be documented for each child.

The children in our school participate in Music class and Chapel weekly.

Several field trips are scheduled throughout the year; however, no child will be taken on a field trip away from church grounds, in church or teacher vehicles. Field trips away from the school will require written parental permission forms and the teachers will meet the children and caregivers at the field trip location. In addition walking field trips are taken throughout the neighborhood surrounding the church.