
HPCUMCP Philosphy
HPCUMCP Philosphy
At HPCUMC Preschool, our goal is to encourage the development of each child's cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills, as well as spiritual growth in order to prepare each child for life-long learning. We provide a learning environment where student-centered learning takes place through exploration, play, experimentation, and discovery. Children are encouraged to try new tasks, use their imagination, make friends, follow directions, focus their energy and develop a love of learning.
Within the school's daily schedule, each child has an opportunity to create, explore the environment, learn problem-solving and personal interaction skills and learn concepts through first-hand experiences otherwise known as play. Children develop a positive self-concept through a balance of self- and teacher-directed activities. Opportunities for solitary play as well as small and large-group activities occur within the classroom’s daily schedule.
Our teachers establish a classroom community where positive relationships are modeled and the children are taught how to respect and treat other children and adults in their classroom community. We firmly believe parents and teachers are partners in their children's care and education. We respect parents as the primary and most important providers of care and nurturing and encourage open communication between home and school.
For more information on our play-based curriculum please click HERE.
Wellness Policy
Elevated temperature* (100.4 degrees or more, axillary)
Muscle Pain
New loss of taste or smell
Skin rash
Evidence of lice
Severe coughing
Unusually sore throat or difficulty swallowing
Dark urine/gray or white stool
Yellowish skin or eyes
Stiff neck
Difficult or rapid breathing
A Communicable Disease Chart is posted in the preschool office and every classroom for reference.
*When children have had a fever they should be kept home another 24 hours with no fever before sending them back to school.
Communicable Disease
HPCUMC Preschool provides children with a clean and healthy environment. However, we realize that children become ill from time to time. If this is your child's first group experience, it is possible that they may encounter more frequent illnesses at the beginning of the school year before their immune system becomes more active. We observe all children as they enter the classroom to quickly assess their general health. We ask that you do not bring a sick child to school.
No medication will be given by the staff to the children at school. If, however, an allergy is present, a written order may be given to the teacher to administer medication. Copies will be kept in the child's file in the office as well as the classroom. Medication will be secured in the child's classroom and a notice will be posted on the wall notifying teachers of the allergy in that room and where the medication is kept.
Communicable disease policies and procedures will be reviewed annually with the entire staff. Training in communicable
diseases and proper sanitary procedures will be provided to the staff periodically as state requirements dictate. Staff members are trained in First Aid, Child Abuse Recognition, Communicable Diseases and CPR by a registered nurse, American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.