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Morning & Lunch Box Buddies

We offer limited before and after-school care at HPCUMC Preschool.  To register your preschooler for either of these programs please visit the blue bulletin board on the first floor of the preschool to sign-up.  Payment is due at the time of registration.  You must register your child at least 24 hours prior to the day that you need care.  Click here for the details specific to each program.

Explore More After School Program

2nd Semester 2018-2019_ExploreMore FULL_

'EXPLORE MORE' has been created to specifically provide a safe, engaging

and enriching atmosphere for our preschoolers. Children enrolled in this program attend their half-day class then come to 'EXPLORE MORE' to eat their packed lunch, enjoy playtime and participate in age-appropriate group and individual activities designed to keep them exploring and growing more. Enrollment is on a first-come first-served basis.


Registration for Fall 2025 will begin in August.

Summer FUN Camp at HPCUMC Preschool!

Every summer HPCUMC Preschool offers camps for children ages 3-5. Summer FUN Camp dates are August 4-8 and 11-15, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, just before school starts back to help children transition smoothly from home to school. Several of our teachers will be leading camps on a variety of topics. â€‹


Click HERE to register today!

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