
Morning Buddies and Lunch Box Buddies
We offer limited before and after-school care at HPCUMC Preschool. To register your preschooler for either of these programs please visit the bulletin board on the first floor of the preschool to sign-up. Payment is due at the time of registration. You must register your child at least 24 hours prior to the day that you need care. Read below for the details specific to each program.
Morning Buddies
Drop your child off to school before the school day starts. One of our teachers will supervise your preschooler or toddler in the second floor muscle room for playtime before the school day officially starts. This program is offered Monday-Friday, 8:00-8:40 AM. The cost is $6.00 per child per day.
Lunch Box Buddies
We invite your preschooler to pack their nut-free lunch and eat with their friends after school. LBB is supervised by one of our teachers who hosts lunchtime in her classroom from 11:45 AM-12:30 PM, Monday-Friday. This program is only available for preschoolers ages 3-5. The cost is $6.00 per child per day.